Tyson Tour Sponsorship

The Tyson Tour provides junior golfers with the opportunity to compete in a fun environment while developing their skills and a passion for the game of golf.

We are currently planning for the 2025 season. The tour is open to junior golfers of all skill levels, and the events are held at various golf courses in the southwestern Ontario region. The tour’s website provides up-to-the-minute leaderboards and detailed information about each event. The 2025 schedule will include seven events, plus a Tour Championship.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities for businesses/companies who would be interested in supporting the tour.

Title Sponsor

$5,000 + HST (SOLD)

• Presenting Sponsor of the Junior Tyson Tour Branding opportunities with the Junior Tyson Tour. To be used on the Tour’s website, marketing, and social media.
• Logo placement on Tour website with hyperlink to your site.

Tour Championship Sponsor

$1,000 + HST (1 available)

• Naming sponsor of our Tour finale to be held at Sunningdale Golf & Country Club.
• Logo placement on Tour website with hyperlink to your site.

Supporting Sponsor

$750 + HST (Unlimited)

• Supporting Sponsors are listed on our tour website with hyperlinks to their company website.

Event Sponsor

$500 + HST (7 available)

• Sponsor one of our events.
• Logo placement on the event landing page and event results page.

More information…

Please contact Rick Pero at (519) 681-8223 ext. 402 or rpero@highlandcountryclub.com to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Tyson Tour Sponsors